Last updated: 20th July 2020
NOTE: The free .MP3 version of "RPG Orchestral Essentials" does not abide by this license, but instead uses the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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By downloading and/or using one of the music tracks from the paid versions of the "RPG Orchestral Essentials" libraries, the individual or company (the "Licensee") is accepting the terms and conditions of this End-User License Agreement.
Jonathan Shaw (the “Licensor”) grants the Licensee a worldwide, non-transferable, royalty-free license to use the music tracks (“Tracks”) under the following conditions:
1. Rights Granted:
a. The Licensee is granted the rights to use and publicly distribute the Tracks, without any requirement for royalties to be given to the Licensor, in commercial and non-commercial projects, owing that their use has been in combination with at least one other medium (such as; film, video, television, commercials, documentaries, video games and all other similar mediums).
i. For exclusions, refer to section 2.
ii. Attribution to the Licensor is not required, but warmly welcomed and encouraged.
2. Limitations
a. The Licensee is not permitted to transfer, re-distribute, copy, duplicate, trade, sell, license, gift, upload, or otherwise similarly give or offer the Tracks to another human individual or organization.
i. You are also not permitted to release the tracks in any product wherein the Tracks can be accessed and/or used by a third party (including but not limited to; music libraries, soundtrack albums, stock materials).
3. Termination:
a. This Agreement will be terminated should the Licensee breach any of the terms set out in this End-User License Agreement.
4. Liability:
a. The Licensor will not accept responsibility for any losses incurred either directly or indirectly from the use of the downloaded Tracks.
(I owe you a cookie if you read this!)